Miyerkules, Marso 20, 2013

#9 Home

The documentary film entitled “Home” discusses how organisms came to life from the simple to the complex one. For the better understanding of non-science oriented people, communication is the key component in order them to educate, persuade and inform. Science does not only depend on the challenges based on experiments and theories but consequently to the practices we apply. I was fascinated on how the movie were created, the way how it is narrated as the speaker has a wide knowledge on the current issues the Earth is experiencing today. She starts from the beginning on how every little organism was formed and how they interact with their environment. The transformation of life was also discuss from the simple needs of human until agriculture and industry was introduce to support the growing demands of the society. Next, oil was become useful where almost everything generates. It becomes useful in industries and transportation which releases too much carbon dioxide that can harm our ozone layer. All the human activities such as logging, over fishing, and many more threatened earth’s equilibrium or nature balance. I must say that the movie can really capture the attention of the viewers in a way that it gives fearless predictions. It presents the causes and the future outcomes we may encounter possibly if we do not even give a single concern and action towards our environment, presumably our planet Earth. There are a lot of evidences cited on the movie that while watching it; I can’t control myself not to “kilabutan”. The movie digested every causes of man’s action towards our resources and its effect to all life forms. For example, when the ices continue to melt, polar bears will have no habitat then. Not only that, since the bodies of water comprises ¾’s of the earth and its remaining ¼ is covered by land, what will happen when water continue to rise. Definitely, earth will lose its land areas.
 As we know, our resources deplete from time to time base on human’s activities. What I admire most is the way she identified the problems and cited possible solutions. I agree too that some countries spend too much in their military expenditures but allocated a little for regenerating the environment or to other institution. It seems that they always go in a war.
Definitely, the movie calls for saving our planet earth! What ways can we do to help saving our home, our planet earth? Let’s all have discipline. For every simple ways like not burning leaves and garbage, like planting more trees, like unplugging electrical appliances. Thus we contributed for saving and helping our environment. We are all aware but did we do anything to follow what we heard about environmental concerns? Awareness is not only the key; there should be implementation and discipline among every individual. Let us all be united!

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