Miyerkules, Marso 20, 2013

#5 GC

Characteristics of a globally competent citizen
1.  One of the characteristics that must exhibit of an individual in order to be called globally competent citizen is to have appreciation for people from other cultures. Meaning know how to admire, accept and appreciate to what culture other people have. It doesn’t mean that you have to adapt their culture but show appreciation and respect. For example, you met Chinese and have meal with him/her. You notice how the way he/she eats her/his food. He/she sip the soup and eat noisily. Well do not show something that can offend him/her. You don’t know that was just the way to tell how scrumptious the food is. Seems like exaggerated and unmannered but that’s their culture. Same with other things.
2.  Second is, have sensitivity to the needs of people different from themselves. As we all know, other people as part of their culture has practices or routines which are we do not do or we do not have. Let’s have an example which happens locally. Some people especially men from mountain province or those who are from Ilocos, Nueva Viscaya, Aurora etc. have their so called “Nga-nga”. They chew the fruit of a coconut tree like (Iloco calls it Bwa) with “apog”. So even their saliva turns into color red. If it happens that you got a visitor like them and you saw them doing that, be sensitive to their needs. Do not judge or criticize because it’s part of their culture.
3.  A globally competent citizen has increasing knowledge about people around the world. Meaning,  do not only hold on things which you are known locally, have backgrounds and information about different cultures of people here in and in abroad. That will serve as your edge to have friends who have different culture.

4.  Lastly, a globally competent citizen has critical cognitive skills and attitudes such as empathy, interconnectedness, perspective taking, cross-cultural understanding, action orientation, and prejudice reduction. Have a wide perspective towards the culture of other people. Acceptance begins on empathy. It is where you put yourself on someone’s shoe to better understand why they behave that way or why they act like that. In that way, you will feel free to generalize people based from their orientation and culture. You will feel free from prejudices like racial discrimination and stereotyping.

2.    As an educator, you can make a difference in teaching and learning locally and globally when you address the needs of the nation you serve and transit the proper attitudes and beliefs you think to be necessary to maintain the society of which you are a part through your learners in a global classroom. Discuss how you can make your classroom a global community. 5pts

Characteristics of a Global Classroom
How can you make your classroom a global community?
Global perspective is integrated throughout the school curriculum not just in social studies.
By integrating the topic or lesson in other disciplines not only in social studies (English (Reading), Values Education, Science and Health, MSEP and Mathematics)
International focus courses are developed in areas such as anthropology, regional history, geography, global or world studies, foreign language study, world religions, ethnic group studies, international business, music, and art.
By relating the discipline to areas such as anthropology, regional history, geography, global or world studies, foreign language study, world religions, ethnic group studies, international business, music, and art.
Internationalizing instructional methods and materials emphasize intercultural interaction and culturally appropriate methods of instruction and assessment. Partnership programs with other schools and countries can also be developed.
By providing classroom activities that promotes child-centered approach to which they can express and share their thoughts and experience to their classmates. Aside from lectures, use   interactive activities and videos so they can grasp the lesson easily. They will also become keen-observer and active learner.
Encouraging international travel as an important part of one’s education
By providing illustrations, picture, video clips or mimicry that depicts culture, people, events or places internationally.

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